利用 web 客户端调用远端服务是服务开发本实验的重要内容。其中,要点建立 API First 的开发理念,实现前后端分离,使得团队协作变得更有效率。
- 选择合适的 API 风格,实现从接口或资源(领域)建模,到 API 设计的过程
- 使用 API 工具,编制 API 描述文件,编译生成服务器、客户端原型
- 使用 Github 建立一个组织,通过 API 文档,实现 客户端项目 与 RESTful 服务项目同步开发
- 使用 API 设计工具提供 Mock 服务,两个团队独立测试 API
- 使用 travis 测试相关模块
- API使用规范进行设计
- 客户端使用
- 服务器使用GraphQL官方推荐的生成基于 graphql 的服务器的库进行开发。
- 数据库使用实现
项目参照星球大战API 编写
GraphQL 是一个用于 API 的查询语言,是一个使用基于类型系统来执行查询的服务端运行时(类型系统由你的数据定义)。GraphQL 并没有和任何特定数据库或者存储引擎绑定,而是依靠你现有的代码和数据支撑。
type Query
文件中新建空白查询函数,而我们的任务就是编写该文件中的函数,返回对应的数据。"""The query root, from which multiple types of requests can be made."""type Query { """ Look up a specific people by its ID. """ people( """ The ID of the entity. """ id: ID! ): People """ Look up a specific film by its ID. """ film( """ The ID of the entity. """ id: ID! ): Film """ Look up a specific starship by its ID. """ starship( """ The ID of the entity. """ id: ID! ): Starship """ Look up a specific vehicle by its ID. """ vehicle( """ The ID of the entity. """ id: ID! ): Vehicle """ Look up a specific specie by its ID. """ specie( """ The ID of the entity. """ id: ID! ): Specie """ Look up a specific planet by its ID. """ planet( """ The ID of the entity. """ id: ID! ): Planet """ Browse people entities. """ peoples ( """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): PeopleConnection! """ Browse film entities. """ films ( """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): FilmConnection! """ Browse starship entities. """ starships ( """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): StarshipConnection! """ Browse vehicle entities. """ vehicles ( """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): VehicleConnection! """ Browse specie entities. """ species ( """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): SpecieConnection! """ Browse planet entities. """ planets ( """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): PlanetConnection! """ Search for people entities matching the given query. """ peopleSearch ( """ The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax. """ search: String! """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): PeopleConnection """ Search for film entities matching the given query. """ filmsSearch ( """ The search field for title, in Lucene search syntax. """ search: String! """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): FilmConnection """ Search for starship entities matching the given query. """ starshipsSearch ( """ The search field for name or model, in Lucene search syntax. """ search: String! """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): StarshipConnection """ Search for vehicle entities matching the given query. """ vehiclesSearch ( """ The search field for name or model, in Lucene search syntax. """ search: String! """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): VehicleConnection """ Search for specie entities matching the given query. """ speciesSearch ( """ The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax. """ search: String! """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): SpecieConnection """ Search for planet entities matching the given query. """ planetsSearch ( """ The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax. """ search: String! """ The number of entities in the connection. """ first: Int """ The connection follows by. """ after: ID ): PlanetConnection}
- 其它部分按照GraphQL规范编写即可,具体可以查看项目中的
来减少定义的工作量。 - 具体设计参阅API文档
- 首先,修改
func (r *queryResolver) People(ctx context.Context, id string) (*People, error) { return &people{}, nil // 替换panic(避免运行过程中退出,利于我们观察执行过程)}
- 启动服务
go run server/server.go
func (r *queryResolver) People(ctx context.Context, id string) (*People, error) { err, people := GetPeopleByID(id, nil) checkErr(err) return people, err}
游标在数据库中的位置,是否有前后页及当前页开始和结束位置元素的游标,用于客户端在需要的时候获取前后页。func (r *queryResolver) Peoples(ctx context.Context, first *int, after *string) (PeopleConnection, error) { from := -1 if after != nil { b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(*after) if err != nil { return PeopleConnection{}, err } i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(string(b), "cursor")) if err != nil { return PeopleConnection{}, err } from = i } count := 0 startID := "" hasPreviousPage := true hasNextPage := true // 获取edges edges := []PeopleEdge{} db, err := bolt.Open("./data/data.db", 0600, nil) CheckErr(err) defer db.Close() db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { c := tx.Bucket([]byte(peopleBucket)).Cursor() // 判断是否还有前向页 k, v := c.First() if from == -1 || strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) { startID = string(k) hasPreviousPage = false } if from == -1 { for k, _ := c.First(); k != nil; k, _ = c.Next() { _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db) edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{ Node: people, Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)), }) count++ if count == *first { break } } } else { for k, _ := c.First(); k != nil; k, _ = c.Next() { if strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) { k, _ = c.Next() startID = string(k) } if startID != "" { _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db) edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{ Node: people, Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)), }) count++ if count == *first { break } } } } k, v = c.Next() if k == nil && v == nil { hasNextPage = false } return nil }) if count == 0 { return PeopleConnection{}, nil } // 获取pageInfo pageInfo := PageInfo{ HasPreviousPage: hasPreviousPage, HasNextPage: hasNextPage, StartCursor: encodeCursor(startID), EndCursor: encodeCursor(edges[count-1].Node.ID), } return PeopleConnection{ PageInfo: pageInfo, Edges: edges, TotalCount: count, }, nil }
func (r *queryResolver) PeopleSearch(ctx context.Context, search string, first *int, after *string) (*PeopleConnection, error) { if strings.HasPrefix(search, "Name:") { search = strings.TrimPrefix(search, "Name:") } else { return &PeopleConnection{}, errors.New("Search content must be ' Name:
' ") } from := -1 if after != nil { b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(*after) if err != nil { return &PeopleConnection{}, err } i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(string(b), "cursor")) if err != nil { return &PeopleConnection{}, err } from = i } count := 0 hasPreviousPage := false hasNextPage := false // 获取edges edges := []PeopleEdge{} db, err := bolt.Open("./data/data.db", 0600, nil) CheckErr(err) defer db.Close() db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { c := tx.Bucket([]byte(peopleBucket)).Cursor() k, _ := c.First() // 判断是否还有前向页 if from != -1 { for k != nil { _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db) if people.Name == search { hasPreviousPage = true } if strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) { k, _ = c.Next() break } k, _ = c.Next() } } // 添加edge for k != nil { _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db) if people.Name == search { edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{ Node: people, Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)), }) count++ } k, _ = c.Next() if first != nil && count == *first { break } } // 判断是否还有后向页 for k != nil { _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db) if people.Name == search { hasNextPage = true break } k, _ = c.Next() } return nil }) if count == 0 { return &PeopleConnection{}, nil } // 获取pageInfo pageInfo := PageInfo{ StartCursor: encodeCursor(edges[0].Node.ID), EndCursor: encodeCursor(edges[count-1].Node.ID), HasPreviousPage: hasPreviousPage, HasNextPage: hasNextPage, } return &PeopleConnection{ PageInfo: pageInfo, Edges: edges, TotalCount: count, }, nil}
GraphQLdemo│ dbOp.go│ generated.go│ gqlgen.yml│ models_gen.go│ resolver.go│ schema.graphql│├─data│ data.db│├─scripts│ gqlgen.go│└─server server.go
JWT 产生 token 实现用户认证
- 基于 Token 的身份验证方法
使用基于 Token 的身份验证方法,在服务端不需要存储用户的登录记录。大概的流程是这样的:
- 客户端使用用户名跟密码请求登录
- 服务端收到请求,去验证用户名与密码
- 验证成功后,服务端会签发一个 Token,再把这个 Token 发送给客户端
- 客户端收到 Token 以后可以把它存储起来,比如放在 Cookie 里或者 Local Storage 中
- 客户端每次向服务端请求资源的时候需要带着服务端签发的 Token
- 服务端收到请求,然后去验证客户端请求里面带着的 Token,如果验证成功,就向客户端返回请求的数据
- JSON Web Token
根据官网的定义,JSON Web Token(以下简称 JWT)是一套开放的标准(RFC 7519),它定义了一套简洁(compact)且 URL 安全(URL-safe)的方案,以安全地在客户端和服务器之间传输 JSON 格式的信息。
- 体积小(一串字符串)。因而传输速度快
- 传输方式多样。可以通过 HTTP 头部(推荐)/URL/POST 参数等方式传输
- 严谨的结构化。它自身(在 payload 中)就包含了所有与用户相关的验证消息,如用户可访问路由、访问有效期等信息,服务器无需再去连接数据库验证信息的有效性,并且 payload 支持应用定制
> 单点登录(Single Sign On):在多个应用系统中,用户只需登陆一次,就可以访问所有相互信任的应用
- 这里没有实现账号密码的数据库,只是在路由处理
中比对固定密码,实现登出。 -
func TokenMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.RequestURI[1:] != "login" { /* // token位于Authorization中,用此方法 token, err := request.ParseFromRequest(r, request.AuthorizationHeaderExtractor, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return []byte(SecretKey), nil }) */ tokenStr := "" for k, v := range r.Header { if strings.ToUpper(k) == TokenName { tokenStr = v[0] break } } validToken := false for _, token := range tokens { if token.SW_TOKEN == tokenStr { validToken = true } } if validToken { ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), TokenName, tokenStr) next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized) w.Write([]byte("Unauthorized access to this resource")) //fmt.Fprint(w, "Unauthorized access to this resource") } } else { next.ServeHTTP(w, r) } })}
中实现了创建Token和比对Token的方法,由于只有一个Token,所以直接比对即可。var tokens []Tokenconst TokenName = "SW-TOKEN"const Issuer = "Go-GraphQL-Group"const SecretKey = "StarWars"type Token struct { SW_TOKEN string `json:"SW-TOKEN"`}type jwtCustomClaims struct { jwt.StandardClaims Admin bool `json:"admin"`}func CreateToken(secretKey []byte, issuer string, isAdmin bool) (token Token, err error) { claims := &jwtCustomClaims{ jwt.StandardClaims{ ExpiresAt: int64(time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 1).Unix()), Issuer: issuer, }, isAdmin, } tokenStr, err := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims).SignedString(secretKey) token = Token{ tokenStr, } return}func ParseToken(tokenStr string, secretKey []byte) (claims jwt.Claims, err error) { var token *jwt.Token token, err = jwt.Parse(tokenStr, func(*jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return secretKey, nil }) claims = token.Claims return}
- 这里没有实现账号密码的数据库,只是在路由处理